Review of MEElectronics M6 PRO In-Ear Monitors

MEElectronics M6 PRO In-Ear Monitors
MEElectronics M6 PRO In-Ear Monitors

Getting started as a musician or band is not only difficult, but an expensive prospect. In addition to your instruments, sound equipment, transport, and everything else needed to take music from a passion to a profession becomes almost too expensive for most players to even attempt.

To compensate, you end up cutting corners and getting only the bare essentials, hoping to build up to the high-end professional grade pieces. Of course, one of the things that first ends up on the chopping block are inner-ear monitors; young bands choose to rely on a venue’s wedges instead.

Fortunately, with the M6 Pro IEMs from MEElectronics, a solid set of IEM earbuds is now within the reach of any aspiring musician, giving you all the benefits of your own monitor system at a fraction of the price.

The Cheap In-Ear Monitors by MEElectronics

Just because these IEMs are affordable doesn’t mean they’re cheap; what you’re getting with this set is a scaled-back version of all the best features a good IEM has to offer. Just like any good IEM, this set comes with six different silicone earbud tips, as well as a set of Comply foam tips, ensuring you can have a comfortable fit on these over-the-ear monitors.

The cable on the M6 Pro is also detachable, so you don’t have to worry about breaking your monitors when your cable snags on something; simply plug in the spare cable and you’re back in business.

Review of MEElectronics M6 PRO In-Ear Monitors
Allreview -  MEElectronics M6 PRO In-Ear Monitors

In addition, these are sweat-resistant models, so you don’t have to worry about damaging the electronics, even during extended sessions. Far from being disposable IEMs that break almost immediately, the M6 Pro series is an affordable IEM that can still take some solid abuse.

In addition to its durability, the M6 Pro produces a fairly solid sound spectrum after a bit of burn-in time. While it doesn’t really focus on any particular end, it does a respectable job taking care of everything, especially for a single driver stage monitor, so it’s a perfect fit for a new band to use while they’re trying to find their particular sound.

Who Can Use These Affordable In Ear Headphones?

One of the things that has always been a problem for IEM users is that their IEMs stay pretty much with their instruments or in the studio and, at the prices that high-end IEMs typically reach, it’s entirely understandable.

What you’re getting with the M6 Pro IEMs is a real freedom to use your monitors for literally everything that requires music or headphones. In addition to performances, you can easily slip on the included 6.3mm jack, plug your IEMs directly into your amp, and be able to use them as your practice earbuds. Because these are sweat-resistant, you can use them for gym sessions or long runs.

They are comfortable and come with a solid variety of earbud tips, so they’ll work great for listening to music on a mobile device. The included cord is also optimized for smartphone usage, so they’ll also function as a hands-free option for your phone, in addition to everything else.

But why should you use a set of IEMs for everything? From a musician’s perspective, it’s a great way to accurately gauge your sound compared to the world around you. If you’re always using the same set of IEM headphones for listening to recorded music as well as your own, you can get an accurate sense of your sound. That’s exactly the kind of thing you can get out of the M6 Pro; the ability to hear an accurate representation of your sound compared to all kinds of audio.

Conclusion? A Great Setup for New IEM Users

Because they are such cheap in ear monitors with a lot of versatility, the M6 Pros from MEElectronics are the best in ear monitors for anybody who’s on the fence about IEMs in general. It’s an affordable setup, it has a wide variety of uses, and it works well for all of them.

Those musicians who are looking to use IEMs can easily work this set into their monitor system, while those who find that IEMs aren’t for them can just as easily use them as regular high-quality earbuds instead. If you’ve ever considered an in-ear monitor but were put off by the price, then you’ll find that the MEElectronics M6 Pro series is an affordable way to enjoy all that an IEM has to offer.

If you want to take a step up, take a look at Westone’s UM10, 20, and 30’s.